
Prediction-driven advertising platform that outperforms

The user acquisition and re-engagement platform that predicts the highest lifetime value users and replaces costly and time-consuming manual work for you.

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Powered by deep learning

Leverage state-of-the-art deep learning technology to predict and find users with the highest lifetime value. Instead of costly and time-consuming manual A/B testing, use AI to acquire valuable users with a predictable ROI.

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No cookie? No problem

Smarter use of 1st party data will be the key in the post-3rd party data era. CrossX leverages AI to process sparse data and predict future outcomes for each user in real time, ensuring precise targeting and personalized ad experience even without cookies or IDFA.

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Acquire the most valuable app user at scale

Predict each user's value in real time for each app to win the best bid. AIBID learns tens of thousands of permutations linking user and data such as demographics, interest, device and app usage to find more lookalike valuable users, ensuring the right match and a high ROI.

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Re-engage high LTV users with personalized content

Analyze millions of signals and potential combinations with AI to find the most powerful and productive user segments. Leverage our deep learning-based system for effective recommendation strategies based on users’ on-site and off-site behavior, and show them the most relevant products.

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Uncover hidden needs & raise brand awareness

Use advanced AI and natural language processing technology to understand your audience’s true interests and intent. Utilize these insights to target the right audience segments with attention-grabbing creatives.

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Highlighted Features

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Full-Funnel Marketing

Mobilize a full suite of solutions for everything from user acquisition, engagement to retention.

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Post-3rd Party Data Solutions

Leverage 1st party data and AI predictions to achieve precise targeting without cookies or IDFA.

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Interactive & Personalized Creatives

Use creative designs to win your customers' hearts without writing a single line of code.

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LTV Prediction Models

Our deep learning engine predicts each user’s LTV based on millions of signals to find those who really matter to your business.

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Product Recommendation Engine

Generate recommendations with our AI-powered engine that learns from text and images to make sure your audiences see what they want most.

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Bid Optimizer

Optimize every bid in real time to make sure you get the most cost-effective price.

How your peers use CrossX

  • Brand Awareness
  • App User Acquisition

World-Famous German Automobile Brand

Audi adopted Appier’s AI to increase ad exposure and expand high-value user pool, boosting test drive leads by 34%

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Estée Lauder

Leading Multinational Skincare & Cosmetics Company

Estée Lauder worked with Appier to drive mailing list sign-ups among beauty lovers in Taiwan, exceeding lead-gen target by 167%

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Minute Maid

World's Leading Juice Brand

Beloved juice brand Minute Maid integrated AI into its strategy to drive leads and purchases by reaching and engaging with consumers in an innovative way--through an online lottery game.

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First Italian Wine Delivery App

Winelivery identified the most valuable users segments and implemented dynamic product recommendations with Appier's AI solutions.

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Start Growing Your Business Today with Appier
